About Me

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PrivateCourt makes justice accessible to every entrepreneur.

PrivateCourt's private jurisdiction is particularly suitable for entrepreneurs who want to end a dispute quickly and finally.

Private justice is the same as government justice, except in private justice, an expert is a judge instead of a government judge. But the private judge also gives a binding judgment, just like the government judge.


  • The flexibility of procedure – the process is determined and controlled by the parties of the dispute.
  • Parties choice of neutral third party (and therefore expertise in the area of dispute) to direct negotiations/ adjudicate
  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Likelihood and speed of settlements.
  • Lower costs
  • Less complexity ("less is more")
  • Practical solutions tailored to parties interests and needs (not rights and wants as they may perceive them).
  • The durability of agreements.
  • The preservation of relationships and the preservation of reputations.
  • Individuals contractors can use the logo of PrivateCourt in their resume to gain trust.
  • The logo used in the resume will also enhance employment and thus can be used for career growth.
  • PrivateCourt: Fast, Simple, and online justice for all.

Need Help? Call us at +91-22-48-977-966 

Email at support@pvtcourt.com