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What is an earthquake? When earth quake – quake? Kind of but with that quake – quake it cause (crack – crack) and destruction of living and non –living beings .so let’s dive into the meaning of it. It is a natural event that cause by a sudden release of energy in the earth’s lithosphere which generates waves that travels in all directions and results in shaking of the earth. The release of energy occurs along a faults that caused by a sharp break of the crustal rocks or slide of plates.

The point from where the energy release inside the earth is called the focus or hypocentre of an earthquake. After that the energy travels in all directions and reaches the surface, the point which is nearest and perpendicular to the focus is known as epicentre it is the first one to experience the waves.  

An instrument called “seismograph” records the waves reaching the surface. Earthquake waves are basically of two types –body waves and surface waves. Body waves are caused due to the release of energy at the focus which moves in all directions travelling through the body of the earth. After the body waves reach the surface it interacts with the surface rocks and generate new set of waves called surface waves.  

These waves move along the surface, their velocity changes as they change the medium. The denser the medium, the higher is the velocity .Their direction also changes because of the reflection or refraction.

There are two types of body waves – P and S – waves. The P –waves are the first to arrive at the surface. These are also called ‘primary waves’. They travel through gaseous, liquid and solid materials. P –waves vibrate parallel to the direction of the waves. They are similar to sound waves. S –waves arrive at the surface with some time lag. They can only travel in solid medium which helped scientists to understand the interior of the earth. The direction of vibration of S –waves is perpendicular to the wave direction in the vertical plane. Then the surface waves are the last to report on seismograph. These waves are more destructive than others because they cause displacement of rocks and hence the collapse of structure occurs.

 Measuring Earthquake

The measurements occur according to the magnitude or intensity of the shock. The magnitude scale is known as the Richter scale. The intensity measuring scale is known as Mercalli scale.

Earthquake safety precautions

1. Keep clear windows –glass may get shatter from the shaking.

2. If you are outside, move away from the buildings which can collapse. Stay in an open area where there are no buildings, trees or electrical connections.

3. Never stand under an object that can fall on top of you like cupboard, large bookcase.

4. If you are at school, work or any shopping mall don’t take elevator take stairs.

Be safe, be happy.

By: Shivani Awasthi (FullFry)